Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hi I'm......... (Gay) Oskar

just say: Oskar

"I have already said something!"


that I'm gay and live in Umeå?

"No I didn't say that you live in Umeå"

I hate the fact that I most of the time in my life will be presented as gay, not Oskar, or the funny guy, the cute guy, the beautiful guy, the guy who can sing really good, the guy who dress cool.

It will ALWAYS be: "this is my gay friend Oskar"

not: this is my friend Oskar

My sexuality will always determain who I am in the eyes of others. When I think about this I will try really hard to present people with their names, not their sexuality.

It is important to make the society a place where all "forms" of people can be accepted, and not be known foremost for their sexuality.

I must also become better at presenting myself as Oskar, and not as gay.

So what if I'm gay, I don't hurt anyone for just being me?!

I have a wise mother, she said: Don't let your sexuality determain who you are, you are still Oskar, you are not something else. You are You, and I still love you, and always will!

(Sorry Tove this was not ment to be an attack on you. I just wanted you (and every other "normal"= heterosexual) to understand what I mean with this. I don't know if you get it, but at least I have tried)
